Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Claudin de Sermisy

Our Renaissance composer of the week is Claudin de Sermisy. He was a French composer born in 1495 (d. 1562) who was well known for this chansons (French lyrical songs) and church music. He was also a favorite among several kings of France. You can find the youtube playlist I compiled by clicking here!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Botticelli Hearted the Nudey-Nudes!

Birth of Venus

If Botticelli were alive today he'd be working for Vogue.” Peter Ustinov

I am finding that I love the rich colors I'm seeing in the works of these Renaissance artists we have been studying. Is it the oil paints they used?? I don't know, but whatever is being used, the paintings are quite lovely. We've been focusing on the works rather than the materials and techniques so I'll have to do some research about the paints...unless you know! lol!!

This week we are focusing on Alessandro Botticelli and his works. There is always a ton of things to discover about these artists...I've only chosen a few things to share with my kids. Here are some quick facts that I've used as my notes when teaching about this artist:

  • born in Florence, Italy in 1445 (died 1510)
  • sent to painter Fra Filippo where he learned to mix colors and clean brushes. Fra Filippo was a great influence
  • painted religious paintings for churches (3 frescoes in Sistine Chapel)
  • Famous works:
  • Paintings have an underlying meaning (allegory)
  • early paintings were of mythical creatures and Greek gods--later paintings were of more religious matter (after his meeting of Savonarola)
  • liked to paint nudey nudes! Seriously, after looking at some of his works, I agree with Peter Ustinov's quote at the top of the post! lol!! Surprisingly, not one of my kids has mentioned the scantily clad people in the paintings...I may eat my words today though!